Asset Class
The asset class is a set of methods to help with the collection, grouping and displaying of assets (js, css, img).
Using assets can be done in 2 ways: through static usage of the Asset class and through asset objects
returned by the Asset::forge() or Asset::instance(). This section covers static usage which will always work
with the default instance using the configuration specified in the configuration.
Note: the css, js and img methods will return the current instance when adding to a group.
This will happen when you supply a group or auto_render is false and no group (or
null) is supplied in the call.
Using asset objects, Asset::instance() and Asset::forge() is explained in the advanced section.
add_path($path, $type = null)
The add_path method adds the given path to the front of the global assets search path array.
If a $type is specified, it will add the path to the front of the search folder array for the given type.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$path |
required |
The path to add to the front of the assets path array (RELATIVE to the asset url and WITH trailing slash). |
$type |
If adding a folder, the type to add it to. The asset class has the types 'img', 'css' and 'js' predefined.
If you pass an undefined type, a new paths structure will be created for this type.
To add the same path to multiple types, pass them as an array of types.
Returns |
current instance |
Example |
* These paths would need to have subfolders as defined in the config
* file, depending on the type of content you were trying to use.
* Add a global path for all asset types, then add individual paths
* for images and css files.
Asset::add_path('assets/global/', array('css', 'js', 'img'));
Asset::add_path('assets/icons/', 'img');
Asset::add_path('assets/images/', 'img');
Asset::add_path('assets/css/', 'css');
* Create a new asset type
Asset::add_path('assets/docs/', 'pdf');
* You can chain the calls as well.
css($stylesheets = array(), $attr = array(), $group = NULL, $raw = false)
The css method adds css to a named group, the default group, or returns the css tag.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$stylesheets |
required |
An array/string of stylesheet filename(s) to be added to the group or be returned as tags, or a string containing inline CSS. |
$attr |
An array of attributes to be applied to the css file(s). |
$group |
A group name to categorize the css. If left null the method will return the css tag. |
$raw |
If set to true, the result css tags will include the string or file contents directly in the HTML, instead of via a link tag. |
Returns |
Rendered asset string or current instance when adding to group. |
Example |
// adds file to group and returns '' if group is not null
Asset::css(array('header.css', 'footer.css'), array(), 'layout', false);
/* returns
* <link href="../assets/css/inline.css" rel="stylesheet" />
* if auto_render in the config is set to true.
* if not, the asset will be added to the default group for later rendering
echo Asset::css('inline.css');
/* returns
* <style>
* .bold_class { font-weight: bold }
* #header {height: 50px}
* </style>
echo Asset::css('inline.css', array(), null, true);
/* returns
* <style>
* .bold_class { font-weight: bold }
* #header {height: 50px}
* </style>
Asset::css(".bold_class { font-weight: bold }\n#header {height: 50px}", array(), 'inline', true);
echo Asset::render('inline');
/* this will do the same */
echo Asset::css(".bold_class { font-weight: bold }\n#header {height: 50px}", array(), null, true);
find_file($file, $type, $folder = '')
The find_file locates a file of a given type in all defined asset search folders for that type.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$file |
required |
The name of the file you are searching for. |
$type |
required |
The type of asset being searched (css, js, img). |
$folder |
The name of the sub-folder to append to each search folder. |
Returns |
Either the path to the file or false if not found |
Example |
// find a css file
$path = Asset::find_file('layout.css', 'css');
// find an icon image (assuming icons are in an img sub-folder called 'icons')
$path = Asset::find_file('icon.png', 'img','icons/');
img($images = array(), $attr = array(), $group = NULL)
The img method either adds the image to a named group, the default group, or returns the image tag.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$images |
required |
An array/string of image filename(s) to be applied to the group or returned as tags. |
$attr |
An array of attributes to apply to the image tag(s). |
$group |
The group to apply the images to. |
Returns |
Rendered asset string or current instance when adding to group. |
Example |
/* returns
* <img src="../assets/img/logo.png" id="logo">
* if auto_render in the config is set to true.
* if not, the asset will be added to the default group for later rendering
echo Asset::img('logo.png', array('id' => 'logo'));
Asset::img(array('bob.jpg', 'joe.jpg', 'sally.jpg'), array('class' => 'thumbnail'), 'team_avatars');
js($scripts = array(), $attr = array(), $group = NULL, $raw = false)
The js method either adds the javascript to a named group, the default group, or returns the script tag.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$scripts |
required |
An array/string of stylesheet filename(s) to be added to the group or be returned as tags, or a string containing inline javascript. |
$attr |
An array of attributes to be applied to the js file(s). |
$group |
A group name to categorize the js. If left null the method will return the js tag. |
$raw |
If set to true, the result javascript tags will include the string or file contents directly in the HTML, instead of via a script tag. |
Returns |
Rendered asset string or current instance when adding to group. |
Example |
// returns '' if $raw is set to false
Asset::js(array('jquery.js', 'jqueryui.js'), array(), 'jquery', false);
/* returns
* <script type="text/javascript">
* var menu = getElementById('menu');
* menu.initialize_menu();
* </script>
echo Asset::js('menu_init.js', array(), null, true);
/* returns
* <script type="text/javascript" src="../assets/js/jquery.js"></script>
* if auto_render in the config is set to true.
* if not, the asset will be added to the default group for later rendering
echo Asset::js('jquery.js');
/* returns
* <script type="text/javascript">
* var menu = getElementById('menu');
* menu.initialize_menu();
* </script>
Asset::js("var menu = getElementById('menu');\nmenu.initialize_menu();", array(), 'inline', true);
echo Asset::render('inline');
/* this will do the same */
echo Asset::js("var menu = getElementById('menu');\nmenu.initialize_menu();", array(), null, true);
get_file($file, $type, $folder = '')
The get_file method allows you to get the URL to an asset file.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$file |
required |
Name of the asset to look for. |
$type |
required |
Type of asset to search for. 'img', 'css', and 'js' are supported types. |
$folder |
Optionally you can specify sub-folders if the asset is in a sub-folder of one of the defined asset search paths. |
Returns |
Fully qualified asset URL (depending on the base_url defined) or false if not found. |
Example |
// returns something like ''
echo Asset::get_file('jquery.js', 'js');
remove_path($path, $type = null)
The remove_path method removes the given path from the global assets search path array.
If a $type is specified, it will remove the path from the search folder array for the given type.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$path |
required |
The path to from the assets path array. |
$type |
If adding a folder, the type to add it to. Currently, 'img', 'css' and 'js' are suppored.
To add the same path to multiple types, pass them as an array of types.
Returns |
The current instance |
Example |
* Remove global search paths
* Remove individual paths for different asset types
Asset::remove_path('assets/global/', array('css', 'js', 'img'));
Asset::remove_path('assets/icons/', 'img');
Asset::remove_path('assets/images/', 'img');
Asset::remove_path('assets/css/', 'css');
* Or chain the calls.
render($group = null, $raw = false)
The render renders the group of assets and returns the tags.
If no group is specified, the default group will be rendered.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$group |
The name of the group to render or null for the default group. |
$raw |
If true this method will include the contents of css/js files for embedding. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
/* returns
* <link href="../assets/css/header.css" rel="stylesheet" />
* <link href="../assets/css/footer.css" rel="stylesheet" />
echo Asset::render('layout');
// renders the default group
echo Asset::render();