Fieldset_Field Class
The Fieldset_Field class defines a single field inside a fieldset. It defines the type of field, how the field
should be rendered, and which validation rules should be used when validating field input.
Although it is technically possible to create stand-alone Fieldset_Field instances, normally they will be created
as part of a Fieldset, using the Fieldsets add_field() method.
set_fieldset(Fieldset $fieldset)
If you have created a standalone Fieldset_Field object (i.e. not via the Fieldset class), you can use the
set_fieldset method to assign the field object to a fieldset object.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$fieldset |
required |
Instance of Fieldset you want to assign this Field object to. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
$fieldset = \Fieldset::forge('myfieldset');
$field = new \Fieldset_Field('client', 'Name of the client');
Set or change the label of a field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$label |
required |
Label to be displayed for the field when generating the HTML for this field. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
$fieldset->field('fieldname')->set_label('New Label');
Set or change the HTML form field type.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$type |
required |
Input field type used when generating the HTML for this field. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
// will generate <input type="hidden"... >
set_value($value, $repopulate = false)
Set or changes the value of the field. For radio buttons and checkboxes, you can choose to repopulate, which
will recalculate the "checked" value of the field based on the current and the passed value.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$type |
required |
Input field type used when generating the HTML for this field. |
$repopulate |
If true, the field will be repopulated based on the value (only for radio buttons and checkboxes). |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
$fieldset->field('fieldname')->set_value('this is the new value');
Set or changes the fields description. The description is mapped to the {description} ta
in the form field template, and can for example be used to display a help text.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$description |
required |
Field description. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
->set_description('We would like you to enter something here');
set_template($template = null)
Sets or resets a custom form field template for this field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$template |
The template to be used to render the HTML for this field. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
->set_template('<div class=\"{error_class}\">{label}{required}</div><div class="field-fieldname">{field} {description} {error_msg}</div>');
If you don't pass anything, or pass null, the default field template as defined in the form.php config file will be used.
set_error_message($rule, $msg)
Set a custom error message for a specific validation rule.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$rule |
required |
Validation rule for which you want to override the default error message. |
$msg |
required |
The message to display. You can use :label as a placeholder for the field label, and
:param:<number> for the parameters passed to the rule.
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
// set a custom error message for the "valid_string" validation rule
->set_error_message('valid_string', ':label must contain both upper and lowercase characters!');
// set a custom error message for "exact_length"
->set_error_message('exact_length', ':label is not exactly :param:1 long!');
Checks if a custom message for a validation rule is defined, and if so, the message is returned.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$rule |
required |
The name of the validation rule who's message should be fetched. |
Returns |
Mixed, string if there is a custom message, or null if not |
Example |
// set a custom error message for the "valid_string" validation rule
->set_error_message('valid_string', ':label must contain both upper and lowercase characters!');
// returns: :label must contain both upper and lowercase characters!
$message = $fieldset->field('fieldname')->get_error_message('valid_string');
Add a validation rule to a field, either an internal validation rule identified by name, or a valid callback that
validates the field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$callback |
required |
Either a string with a valid validation rule name, or full callback. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
// set a valid_string rule on the field
$fieldset->field('fieldname')->add_rule('valid_string', array('alpha-numeric', 'dots', 'spaces'));
// and make the field required
$message = $fieldset->field('fieldname')->add_rule('required');
When you set the required rule, the "required" attribute of the form input tag will be set.
delete_rule($callback, $set_attr = true)
Removes a validation rule to a field, identified by either an internal validation rule identified by name, or a valid callback that
validates the field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$callback |
required |
Either a string with a valid validation rule name, or full callback. |
$set_attr |
If true, attributes related to the rule are updated too. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
// remove the valid_string rule from the field
// and make the field no longer required
$message = $fieldset->field('fieldname')->delete_rule('required', true);
When you remove the required rule, the "required" attribute of the form input tag will be removed if $set_attr is set to true.
set_attribute($attr, $value = null)
Set one or more HTML field attributes for the field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$attr |
required |
Either a string with the name of the attribute, or an assoc array of attributes and values. |
$value |
The attributes value. Ignored if $attr is an array. |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
// add a custom CSS style
->set_attribute('style', 'font-weight:bold;color:yellow;');
// or multiple attributes at once
'style' => 'font-weight:bold;color:yellow;',
'disabled' => 'disabled'
If you pass null as a value, the attribute will be removed from the field attribute list.
get_attribute($key = null, $default = null)
Get one or all HTML field attributes of the field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$key |
Name or array of names of attribute(s) to get. If null, all attributes set are returned. |
$default |
Value to return if the requested attribute has not been set. |
Returns |
Mixed, a single attribute value, or multiple values in an array if $key was an array of attributes |
Example |
// get any custom style defined, or false if no style is set
$style = $fieldset->field('fieldname')
->get_attribute('style', false);
set_options($value, $label = null, $replace_options = false)
Set one or more options. Only valid for radio buttons, checkboxes and selects.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$value |
required |
Value of the option, or an assoc array of values and labels. |
$label |
Label to be set on the value. Only used if $value is not an array. |
$replace_options |
If true, existing options will be deleted before setting the new one(s). |
Returns |
Fieldset_Field Object, for chaining |
Example |
// if the field is a select: <option value="1">Label</option>
// if the field is a checkbox: <label>Label</label><input type="checkbox" ... />
$style = $fieldset->field('fieldname')->set_options('1', 'Label');
Get the Fieldset object this Field is associated with.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
None |
Returns |
Fieldset instance |
Example |
// returns true
$same = ($fieldset === $fieldset->field('fieldname')->fieldset());
add($name, $label = '', array $attributes = array(), array $rules = array())
Alias for the Fieldset add() method.
add_before($name, $label = '', array $attributes = array(), array $rules = array(), $fieldname = null)
Alias for the Fieldset add_before() method.
add_after($name, $label = '', array $attributes = array(), array $rules = array(), $fieldname = null)
Alias for the Fieldset add_after() method.
Generates the form HTML for the field.
Static |
No |
Parameters |
None |
Returns |
string, the generated HTML |
Example |
// if the field is a select: <option value="1">Label</option>
// if the field is a checkbox: <label>Label</label><input type="checkbox" ... />
$style = $fieldset->field('fieldname')->set_options('1', 'Label');
Alias for the Validation input() method,
and returning the input value for the current field. Returns null if no input value
is present.
Alias for the Validation validated() method,
and returning the validated input value for the current field. Returns null if no validated
input value is present.
Alias for the Validation error() method,
and any error messages present after the validation of this field has run. Returns false
if no errors were detected.