Inflector Class
The Inflector class allows you to transforms words from singular to plural, class names to table names, modularized class names to ones without, and class names to foreign keys.
ascii($str, $allow_non_ascii = false)
The ascii method allows you to translate a string to a 7-bit ASCII string. This method only works with UTF-8.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$str |
Required |
The string to translate. |
$allow_non_ascii |
Whether to allow non ASCII chars. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::ascii('Inglés'); // returns Ingles
The camelize method allows you to convert a string with words separated by underscores into a CamelCased string.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$underscored_word |
Required |
The underscored word. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::camelize('apples_and_oranges'); // returns ApplesAndOranges
The words_to_upper method uppercases the first letter of each word in a classname with
the words separated by underscores.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$class |
Required |
The classname. |
$sep |
_ |
The separator |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::words_to_upper('fuel_users'); // returns Fuel_Users
echo Inflector::words_to_upper('module::method', '::'); // returns Module::Method
The classify method allows you to convert a table name to a class name.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$table_name |
Required |
The table name. |
$singularize |
Whether the $tablename is singularized before its words are uppercased. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::classify('fuel_users'); // returns Fuel_User
The demodulize method allows you to take the class name out of a modulized string.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$class_name_in_module |
Required |
The modulized class. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::demodulize('Uri::main()'); // returns main()
The denamespace method allows you to take the namespace off the given class name.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$class_name |
required |
The class name. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::denamespace('Fuel\\Core\\Config'); // returns Config
The get_namespace method returns the namespace of the given class name..
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$class_name |
required |
The class name. |
Returns |
string, the namespace |
Example |
echo Inflector::get_namespace('Fuel\\Core\\Config'); // returns Fuel\Core\
foreign_key($class_name, $use_underscore = true)
The foreign_key method allows you to get the foreign key for a given class.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$class_name |
Required |
The class name. |
$use_underscore |
Whether to use an underscore or not. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::foreign_key('Inflector'); // returns inflector_id
echo Inflector::foreign_key('Inflector', false); // returns inflectorid
friendly_title($str, $sep = '-', $lowercase = false, $allow_non_ascii = false)
The friendly_title method allows you to convert your text to a URL-friendly title so that it can be used in the URL. It only works with UTF-8 input and outputs 7 bit ASCII characters.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$str |
Required |
The text to convert. |
$sep |
The separator (either - or _) |
$lowercase |
Whether to use lowercase or not. |
$allow_non_ascii |
Whether to allow non ASCII chars. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::friendly_title('Fuel is a community driven PHP 5 web framework.', '-', true);
// returns fuel-is-a-community-driven-php-5-web-framework
The humanize method allows you to turn an underscore separated word and turns it into a human looking string.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$lower_case_and_underscored_word |
Required |
The word to convert. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::humanize('apples_and_oranges'); // returns Apples and oranges
The is_countable method allows you check if the given word has a plural version.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$word |
Required |
The word to check. |
Returns |
boolean |
Example |
echo Inflector::is_countable('fish'); // returns false
echo Inflector::is_countable('apple'); // returns true
pluralize($word, $count)
The pluralize method allows you get the plural version of the given word.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$word |
Required |
The word you want to pluralize. |
$count |
0 |
An instance, which if equal 1 will return the string as a singular. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::pluralize('apple'); // returns apples
echo Inflector::pluralize('apple', 1); // returns apple
The ordinalize method allows you to add english language order number suffixes.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$number |
Required |
The number you want to ordinalize. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::ordinalize(2); // returns 2nd
The singularize method allows you get the singular version of the given word.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$word |
Required |
The word you want to singularize. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::singularize('apples'); // returns apple
The tableize method allows you to convert a class name to a table name.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$class_name |
Required |
The class name. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::tableize('FuelUser'); // returns fuel_users
The underscore method allows you to convert a CamelCased string into an underscore separated string.
Static |
Yes |
Parameters |
Param |
Default |
Description |
$camel_cased_word |
Required |
The CamelCased word. |
Returns |
string |
Example |
echo Inflector::underscore('ApplesAndOranges'); // returns apples_and_oranges