Download Fuel
Fuel is now at v1.7.2. You can download Fuel using the links below:
- Current release
- Older releases
- Repositories
- User contributed Fuel packages
- Fuel-packages account on Github
Send a message to this account or to @fuelphp on Twitter to have your package forked into fuel-packages.
- Fuel-packages account on Github
To install one of the Fuel approved packages from the commandline, use the Oil utility.
Contribute to the core
Fuel is developed using a community approach and we encourage participation. If you are interested in contributing, please take a second to read our Coding Standards. Any contributions that do not meet these guidelines will not be accepted. Otherwise: fork, commit & make pull-request. If you don't know how:
Contribute a package
Do you have something that might be of interest to other Fuel users? Create a package. If it's properly coded, and it complies with our Coding Standards, we can publish it on this page and make it available for installation through the oil commandline utility.