Observers: Included observers
Included observers are listed below:
- Observer_Self
- Observer_CreatedAt
- Observer_UpdatedAt
- Observer_Validation
- Observer_Typing
- Observer_Slug
While not exactly good practice, in some cases it's probably cleanest to just have the event method with your model. That's where the Observer_Self comes in, it checks if you model has a method named after the event and prefixed with _event_. For example for the after_save event you need to add a public method _event_after_save() to your model so it can have the observer call on the model itself.
// Just add the Observer
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Self');
// But if you only observe some events you can optimize by only adding those
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Self' => array(
'events' => array('after_save', 'before_insert')
This observer acts only upon before_insert and expects your model to have a created_at property which will be set to the Unix timestamp when saving for the first time.
// Just add the Observer
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_CreatedAt');
// Adding it with config:
// - only needs to run on before_insert
// - use mysql timestamp (uses UNIX timestamp by default)
// - use just "created" instead of "created_at"
protected static $_observers = array(
'Orm\\Observer_CreatedAt' => array(
'events' => array('before_insert'),
'mysql_timestamp' => true,
'property' => 'created',
'overwrite' => true,
If you want to be able to set the created_at timestamp in your code, set the 'overwrite' property to false. This will cause the observer to keep the value you have set manually.
This observer acts only upon before_save or before_update and expects your model to have a updated_at property which will be set to the Unix timestamp when saving (also during the first time).
When you use before_save, the updatedAt column will be updated on both an insert and an update. When you use before_update, the updatedAt column will be updated only on updates.
// Don't use this, it will make it run twice!
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_UpdatedAt');
// Adding it with config:
// - only needs to run on before_save
// - use mysql timestamp (uses UNIX timestamp by default)
// - use just "updated" instead of "updated_at"
protected static $_observers = array(
'Orm\\Observer_UpdatedAt' => array(
'events' => array('before_save'),
'mysql_timestamp' => true,
'property' => 'updated',
'relations' => array(
By default the timestamp will not be updated if a child object has changed. This behaviour can be changed by adding the names of the relations to the optional relations property.
For example, if you have a Model_Blog that has many Model_Posts, with the slug observer applied to the blog, then update a post through the blog's relations the blog's updated_at will not be triggered.
$blog->post[0]->title = 'foobar';
With the post relation specified in the relations property the updated at observer will update the timestamp in the blog if the post is edited.
If a relation is not loaded then it will be ignored by the updated at observer.
This observer can act on before_insert and/or before_update, or on before_save. Do not use both before_save and one of the others, that would cause your rules to be called twice. It is used to prevent the model from saving if validation rules fail. It uses the Fieldset class and can also generate the form for you.
The primary key(s) are not added to Validation nor to the Form as they're not editable and will be auto-increment most of the time. In cases where you set it upon creation and need validation you'll need to add the field manually.
The observer can be loaded as follows:
// Just add the Observer, and define the required event
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Validation' => array(
'events' => array('before_save')
Do not define this observer without event types, as that will cause it to be called twice!
Validation rules should be defined in your model in $_properties. This is demonstrated in Creating Models. After you have added the Validation Observer, the Orm\ValidationFailed exception will be thrown when the model's data fails to validate before save. As such, you must try/catch your calls to the save function of a model.
More extensive example functionality/scaffolding is shown below:
class Controller_Articles extends Controller
public function action_create()
$view = View::forge('articles/create');
if (Input::param() != array())
$article = Model_Article::forge();
$article->name = Input::param('name');
$article->url = Input::param('url');
catch (Orm\ValidationFailed $e)
$view->set('errors', $e->getMessage(), false);
return Response::forge($view);
public function action_edit($id = false)
if ( ! ($article = Model_Article::find($id))
throw new HttpNotFoundException();
$view = View::forge('articles/edit');
if (Input::param() != array())
$article->name = Input::param('name');
$article->url = Input::param('url');
catch (Orm\ValidationFailed $e)
$view->set('errors', $e->getMessage(), false);
return Response::forge($view);
public function action_delete($id = null)
if ( ! ($article = Model_Article::find($id))
throw new HttpNotFoundException();
By default, the HTML representation is passed as message to the ValidationFailed exception object, ready for display in your view. There are however cases where you would like to have access to the individual error messages, for example because you're in a RESTful API call, and you want to return the messages as JSON:
class Controller_Articles extends Controller_Rest
public function action_create()
$view = View::forge('articles/create');
if (Input::param() != array())
$article = Model_Article::forge();
$article->name = Input::param('name');
$article->url = Input::param('url');
catch (Orm\ValidationFailed $e)
$errors = array();
foreach ($e->get_fieldset()->validation()->error() as $error)
$errors = array(
'field' => $error->field, // the field that caused the error
'value' => $error->value, // the value that is in error
'message' => trim($error->get_message(false, '\t', '\t')), // the error message
'rule' => $error->rule, // the rule that failed
'params' => $error->params, // any parameters passed to the rule
return $errors;
return Response::forge($view);
As this uses the Fieldset class to perform validation,
it can also create forms for a model. In the following example, the create and edit forms are
defined in a common view however you can just as easily define it in the model and obtain an
instance of it in the view using Fieldset::instance()
// use an instance of Model_Article to create the form, you can also pass the classname
$fieldset = Fieldset::forge()->add_model($article);
// Populate the form with values from the model instance
// passing true will also make it use POST/PUT to repopulate after failed save
$fieldset->populate($article, true);
// The fieldset will be build as HTML when cast to string
echo $fieldset;
This is for 2 things: type enforcement for input and type casting for output from the DB. That means that when you're saving the Typing observer will try to cast the input value to the expected type and throw an exception when it can't. And when you're retrieving DB data, normally it would all be strings (even integers and floats) but with the typing observer those will be cast to their scalar type.
In addition to the above the Typing observer also adds support for serialized & json fields. Both should be string type fields ("text" preferably) but will have their value encoded for saving (using serialize() or json_encode()) and decoded when retrieving from the DB (using unserialize() or json_decode()).
The Observer_Typing isn't meant as an alternative to validation, don't try to use it as such. Neither are the exceptions thrown by this observer meant to be read by the visitor of your site, they're meant to help you debug your code.
// Just add the Observer
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Typing');
// But adding it just for these specific events is enough
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Typing' => array(
'events' => array('before_save', 'after_save', 'after_load')
For this observer to work you must have your the $_properties static variable set in your model, or not set at all using detection with DB::list_columns() (MySQL only!). When configuring it yourself the following settings are available:
Param | Valid input | Description |
data_type | varchar, int, integer, tinyint, smallint, mediumint, bigint, float, double, decimal[:d], text, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext, enum, set, bool, boolean, serialize, json, time_unix, time_mysql | The SQL data type, Required to have the typing observer used on a field. |
null | bool | Whether null is allowed as a value, default true |
character_maximum_length | int | The maximum number of characters allowed for a string data type (varchar, text) |
min | int | The minimal value for an integer |
max | int | The maximum value for an integer |
options | array |
Array of valid string values for set or enum data type Note: currently the options themselves cannot contain comma's. |
In case of data_type "decimal", you can suffix the type with the number of decimals required. If defined, the value returned is a string, formatted with the defined number of decimal digits, and taking the current defined locale into account.
This observer creates a url safe slug (unique by default) for your model. It works only upon before_insert and expects your model to have a title (to create the slug) and a slug (to save it) property.
// Just add the Observer
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Slug');
// With settings
protected static $_observers = array(
'Orm\\Observer_Slug' => array(
'events' => array('before_insert'),
'source' => 'title', // property used to base the slug on, may also be array of properties
'property' => 'slug', // property to set the slug on when empty
'separator' => '-', // property to set the separator
'unique' => true, // property to require uniqueness or not
protected static $_observers = array('Orm\\Observer_Slug' => array('before_insert'));
The Observer creates the slug from the title using Inflector::friendly_title() and adds an index, if the slug already exists.
In case of the overwrite property is false, you can assign a slug manually, which won't be overwritten by the Observer. Upon before_update the slug gets overwritten with the generated one from the title field (no matter overwrite property is false or not), but only in case the slug itself is not changed.