- 首页 - Framework introduction
- 必备条件 - What do I need to run FuelPHP?
- License - Source code license
- Contribute - How to contribute
- Credits - A thank you to those that make FuelPHP great!
- 安装指南 - How to install the FuelPHP framework
- 下载 - Download a version of the framework as a zip file
- 升级 - How do I upgrade an existing FuelPHP application
- 教程 - External tutorials, courses and screencasts
- 分析解决问题 - An overview of common problems
- Classes
- Coding Standards - Make sure you read this before sending a pull request!
- Configuration - Global framework configuration
- Constants - Available constants
- Environments - Running your application in different environments
- Model-View-Controller - Introduction to the Model-View-Controller principle
- Models - What are they, and how are they used?
- Views - Creating output
- Presenters - Separating display logic from your view templates
- Controllers
- Base - What are controllers, how do they work?
- Template - A base controller for templated output
- Rest - A base controller for RESTful API's
- Hybrid - A base controller for combined template output and a RESTful API
- Namespacing - Use namespaces in your applications classes
- Routing - Route a URI request to a controller action
- Security - Making sure you build secure applications
- Modules - Making your applications modular, and modules portable
- Packages - Extending the core
- HMVC Requests - Have controllers call other controllers, to ensure loose coupling
- Migrations - Incremental changes to your application environment, such as the database schema
- Tasks - Run background tasks from the commandline or via a scheduler
- Unit Testing - Test your code with PHPUnit
- Error handling - Handling errors in your application
- Profiling - Where does my memory go? What queries are generated? Which ones are slow?
Third party
- Introduction - An overview of the vendor packages used, and their license information
- htmLawed - Filtering and screening of posted data
- Markdown - A parser for Markdown text
- PHPQuickProfiler - The basis of the FuelPHP profiler
- PHPSecLib - Everything related to encryption and secure communication
- spyc - A HAML parser
FuelPHP Core
- Agent - User agent information
- Arr - Utility class for array operations
- Asset - Work with images, scripts, CSS files
- Autoloader
- Cache - Cache data in a variety of storage backends
- Cli - Utility class to interact with user on the commandline
- Config - Access your applications configuration
- Cookie - Work with cookies
- Crypt - Encryption and Decryption
- Database - An object oriented Query Builder
- Date - Working with dates, times and timezones
- Debug - Utility class with debugging features
- Event - Create an event-driven application
- Error
- Exception
- Fieldset - An object oriented way to generate HTML forms
- File - Working with files & directories
- Finder - Locate and load files
- Form - Utility class to generate HTML form elements
- Format - Convert data between formats
- Ftp - Send or receive files using FTP
- Fuel - FuelPHP framework bootstrap class
- Html - Utility class to generate HTML elements
- Image - Image manipulation using GD or ImageMagick
- Inflector
- Input - Processes input from all sources
- Lang - Make your application support multiple languages
- Log - Static interface on the Monolog logger package
- Markdown - Markdown parser class
- Migrate - List and run migrations
- Model_Crud - Basic base model for database table interaction
- Module - Load, unload and list available modules
- Mongo_Db - Interface to Mongo DB
- Num - Utility class for dealing with numbers
- Package - Load, unload and list available packages
- Pagination - Generate the HTML for paginating your tables
- Presenter - Separating display logic from your views
- Profiler - Profile your application
- Redis_Db - Interface to Redis
- Request - Fire additional requests
- URI requests - Internal MVC or HMVC calls
- Curl - Load external (RESTful) data using the Curl library
- Soap - Application interaction using SOAP
- Response - Response to be returned
- Router - FuelPHP request routing engine
- Security - Utility class to make it easy to secure your application
- Session - Maintain state in a stateless environment
- Str - Utility class for string operations
- Theme - Take generating output to the next level by theming your application
- Unzip - Unzip zip files
- Upload - Validate and process uploaded files
- Uri - Utility class for URI and URL handling
- Validation - Validate data using easy to define rules
- View - Object oriented output
Auth Package
Email Package
Oil Package
Orm Package
Parser Package